There are only a handful of public-access rivers in Ohio stocked with trout, and the Clear Fork of the Mohican River is one of them. So head to Mohican State Park after the fish are stocked in November and cast for rainbows. Nearby camping, hiking and beautiful scenery make it a rewarding destination even if the fish aren’t biting.
The Upper Clear Fork above Pleasant Hill Lake is stocked with brown trout, but public access is limited. So, your best bet for trout fishing on the fly is the 4.8-mile section of the Lower Clear Fork between the Pleasant Hill Dam and the mouth of the Clear Fork, where it empties into the Mohican River.
The Lower Clear Fork has easy access, cold-water springs, good pools and lots of riffles. Check the website of the Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited for a hatch chart. You should be good to go with both dry and wet flies; start with woolly buggers and egg-patterned flies. Or better yet, check the fishing report page of the TU website to see what the fish are biting as well as how long they are surviving until summer die-off due to warm water. November to May are the most reliable months to catch rainbows here. If you just bought your fly rod, look for classes, events and outings at Public Lands; or find someone to teach you the ropes by reaching out to the Clear Fork TU Chapter or Mohican Fly Fishers of Ohio.
In addition to trout, expect to find carp, bass and bluegill. Whether you’re catching anything or not, you’ll still find yourself in the 300-foot-deep Clear Fork Gorge, surrounded by a forest that includes hemlocks and white pines with a front-row view of the covered bridge that spans the river. Both the Clear Fork and the Mohican are state-designated Scenic rivers.