Use some of the following ideas to get you out of the house and into the great outdoors. Get inspired with everything from inventive group classes, local give-back opportunities and more unique and manageable bucket lists, to seeking out new destinations and trying novel activities. Here’s how to add variety to kickstart the spring thaw and venture beyond the ordinary.
Take an Outdoor Fitness Class
While many marquee outdoor fitness classes begin in late spring or early summer—like outdoor yoga at Easton’s Town Square and the Worthington Farmers Market, or hip-hop fitness at Columbus Commons—some are tough enough to deal with year-round weather in Central Ohio. The November Project Scioto Mile hosts outdoor fitness classes (think stair-running, burpees, pushups) every Wednesday year-round at 5:15 and 6:15 a.m. And if you thought goat yoga was too trendy or precious, you haven’t tried it with baby goats. Harrison Farm in Groveport hosts goat yoga beginning in April.
Make a Checklist
Spring is the perfect time to set an ambitious adventure goal to complete by the end of the year. Try paddling all five major Columbus waterways: Big Darby Creek, the Scioto and Olentangy rivers, Alum Creek, and Big Walnut Creek. Or visit all 20 Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks—that’s less than two per month. Or bike all eight Columbus Greenway Trails. Set a date, get a partner or group to join you, and you’ll be accountable to each other to make it happen.